This article appeared in Boulder Weekly which is not affiliated with Asteroid Day. In December 2004, astronomers in Arizona discovered an asteroid the size of a cruise ship that appeared…
Scientists from NASA’s Center for Near-Earth Object Studies at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena CA announced in February that a thirty meter sized near-Earth asteroid, tagged 2013 TX68, would pass…
For months, scientists have been puzzled by mysterious bright spots dotting the surface of Ceres, a dwarf planet drifting in the asteroid belt. Now, new images snapped by NASA’s Dawn… NASA’s Dawn spacecraft has revealed marvelous sights on dwarf planet Ceres during its first year in orbit, including the mysterious bright spots in Occator Crater. See full-resolution images and… It has been said jokingly that the dinosaurs might still be around if they had a space program. Humanity has numerous space programs, from NASA to ESA to JAXA…