

Blue Origin beats SpaceX to re-launching a reusable rocket

Blue Origin beats SpaceX to re-launching a reusable rocket https://asteroidday.org/wp-content/themes/fildisi/images/empty/thumbnail.jpg 150 150 Asteroid Day Asteroid Day https://asteroidday.org/wp-content/themes/fildisi/images/empty/thumbnail.jpg

https://youtu.be/74tyedGkoUc Congratulations to Blue Origin for re-launching their suborbital rocket New Shepard. “The booster reached a maximum altitude of 333,582 feet, or 63 miles, above the Earth’s surface, before landing gently…

Twelve amazing science stories we can’t wait to follow in 2016

Twelve amazing science stories we can’t wait to follow in 2016 https://asteroidday-uploads.s3.eu-central-1.amazonaws.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/11/30061100/la-times-story.jpg 1200 628 Asteroid Day Asteroid Day https://asteroidday-uploads.s3.eu-central-1.amazonaws.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/11/30061100/la-times-story.jpg

My personal favorite from this article is obviously the launch of OSIRIS-REx. The PI (Principal Investigator) is Asteroid Day 100X Signatory, Dante Lauretta. Here is an excerpt from the article: NASA’s ambitious mission…

Is it possible to insure against an asteroid impact event?

Is it possible to insure against an asteroid impact event? https://asteroidday-uploads.s3.eu-central-1.amazonaws.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/12/03100145/asteroid-belt-debbie-lewis.jpg 1200 628 Asteroid Day Asteroid Day https://asteroidday-uploads.s3.eu-central-1.amazonaws.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/12/03100145/asteroid-belt-debbie-lewis.jpg

Since it is recognised that the cost of the response to a significant asteroid impact event would be beyond the financial capabilities of an individual country to respond an international…