On June 22nd, 2019, six astronomical associations came together to celebrate Asteroid Day in Alicante, Spain. The event was free and open to the public and had over 250 attendees! …
To celebrate last year’s Asteroid Day, astronomy club Astronomos Amadores da Bahia organised an event at a local museum in Salvador, Brazil! The event was free to the public and had…
We are excited to announce that last Thursday’s Space Connects Us Live Stream was a massive success! With over a dozen astronauts and a total of 5 segments each in…
Asteroid Day Madagascar This past year, Mializo Razanakoto and the Haikintana Astronomy club in Madagascar celebrated their third year of Asteroid Day by organizing two educational conferences and a stargazing…
LUXEMBURG, BERLIN, PARIS (24. März 2020) – Asteroid Day, der offizielle Tag der Vereinten Nationen für globales Bewusstsein und Aufklärung über Asteroiden, und die Europäische Weltraumorganisation (ESA) bringen Menschen in…