
Asteroid Enthusiasts: The Journey of Sarandi Astronomy Club

Asteroid Enthusiasts: The Journey of Sarandi Astronomy Club

Asteroid Enthusiasts: The Journey of Sarandi Astronomy Club https://asteroidday-uploads.s3.eu-central-1.amazonaws.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/08/16132727/Asteroid-Enthusiasts-The-Journey-of-Sarandi-Astronomy-Club-1.jpeg 512 341 Asteroid Day Asteroid Day https://asteroidday-uploads.s3.eu-central-1.amazonaws.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/08/16132727/Asteroid-Enthusiasts-The-Journey-of-Sarandi-Astronomy-Club-1.jpeg

The passion for astronomy and sky-watching motivated Adriano Facioli and two friends to create an Astronomy club in Sarandi, a small town in southern Brazil, in 2014. The positive response from people, as they learned more about space and had the opportunity to engage with the astronomical environment, quickly made the club a respected reference in the region.

The partnership started with an observatory far from the urban area, which expanded their activities. On the scheduled day of each event, many people go to the Estrela do Sul Observatory and stay there for hours watching the sky and learning about various astronomy topics.

Adriano Facioli (right) and friends inside the Estrela do Sul Observatory. The public has the option of observing the sky through the Observatory’s telescope…or their own equipment.

In 2017, Adriano and his friends discovered Asteroid Day through the Internet and have since included it in the club’s annual schedule. They have successfully organised five editions dedicated solely to discussing asteroids.

Asteroid Day poster events in 2018, 2022 and 2023.

June, being the month with the lowest temperatures in southern Brazil, brings cold weather during every Asteroid Day event. To overcome this, the club provides homemade food and lights a large bonfire to keep its audience, consisting of families, students, and teachers, warm and comfortable.

Moments from Asteroid Day event in 2023. Lecture about asteroids and conversations near a campfire.

The Sarandi Astronomy Club has been an integral part of our Asteroid Day community, contributing significantly to raising awareness about the challenges and opportunities associated with asteroids.

Follow them:

Sarandi Astronomy Club

Estrela do Sul Observatory