Asteroid Day Highlighted Event – Webinar and Poster Competition, India
Asteroid Day Highlighted Event – Webinar and Poster Competition, India 1600 1077 Asteroid Day
To celebrate this year’s Asteroid Day, the Indian organisation STEM and Space organised a pair of on-line webinars followed by a poster competition for school children.
Student Poster Design
The initiative attracted 300 students on-line, where they were split into two classes depending upon their age.
As part of the webinars, the students took part in an on-line quiz that STEM and Space designed, and which was hosted on the Kahoot platform. It proved such a success with the students that the organisation has said that it would be happy to donate the quiz to other organizations organising events.
Following the webinars, the students were invited to design and submit posters to draw attention to asteroids and the opportunities and challenges that they offer to the human race.
Next year, the organization, which is based in New Delhi, hope to repeat the event but hopefully in a real setting like a museum or some other appropriate science centre.
Student Poster Designs