PLEASE NOTE: ONLY if you are part of the media and want to participate and ask questions then you will need to be connected via WebEx. Please email to request instructions. For the general…
PLEASE NOTE: ONLY if you are part of the media and want to participate and ask questions then you will need to be connected via WebEx. Please email to request instructions. For the general…
This information is brought to you by the Minor Planet Center. Subscribe to their daily Updates, here. You can also view the next five close approaches, here (via Asteroid Watch). Do…
Today’s blog post is brought to you by Daniel Bamberger from Marburg, Germany. Hi there everyone! I am Daniel Bamberger, and with my colleague Guy Wells, from London, we run…
Die deutsche Pressemitteilung können sie hier (DOCX) oder hier (PDF) herunterladen. Unsere Nachrichtenredaktion finden sie hier (dort finden Sie auch das Media Kit). DIE VEREINTEN NATIONEN ERKLÄREN DEN 30. JUNI OFFIZIELL ALS…