Asteroid Day Highlighted Event – Groningen, Netherlands
Asteroid Day Highlighted Event – Groningen, Netherlands 512 384 Asteroid Day
To celebrate last year’s Asteroid Day, several organizations came together to host an open event for the University of Groningen students, scientists and the general public at Cafe the Crown in Groningen, Netherlands.
Asteroid Day – Groningen, Netherlands
The theme of the event was science, art and fun facts about asteroids. Composed of two parts, astronomer Nick Oberg gave an illustrated lecture titled “The Living Cosmos”. The event was followed by an interactive pub quiz where teams of up to 5 people played for free tickets to a show at their local planetarium!
Asteroid Day – Groningen, Netherlands
Thanks to Pint of Science Netherlands, Asteroid Day Groningen, the Astronomy Tap Groningen, and the University of Groningen and Kateryna Frantseva for hosting this educational event.
Be sure to check out their impressive Facebook event page, complete with a dinosaur in glasses! This blog post is featured in the Asteroid Day Newsletter #65