Asteroid Day LIVE – Luxembourg Schedule
Asteroid Day LIVE – Luxembourg Schedule https://asteroidday-uploads.s3.eu-central-1.amazonaws.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/12/11040238/Studio2-1.jpg 3036 3240 Asteroid Day https://asteroidday-uploads.s3.eu-central-1.amazonaws.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/12/11040238/Studio2-1.jpg
In just one week (or less, depending on when you’re reading this!) Asteroid Day LIVE will go on air from the RTL City studios in Luxembourg. We have already published our full programme here, but would like to highlight the panels and round tables with our astronauts, astrophysicists, asteroid experts and industry professionals that are part of the schedule.
To watch the broadcast, just head over to our Asteroid Day LIVE page on June 30th!
Please note the programme schedule might be subject to changes.
Please note that all times given below are given in local Luxembourg time, corresponding to Central European Summer Time (CEST) or GMT+2. To keep track of Luxembourg time and your local time, we recommend using the Greenwich Mean Time website – just enter Luxembourg City as well as your own location into the field and you will have handily have both times displayed alongside each other. Alternatively, most smartphones also offer the possibility to display times from different locations alongside each other.
Broadcast Segment 1 – 12.00 PM to 2.00 PM
We start at 12.07 PM with the first panel: The Guardian science writer Stuart Clark will introduce you to the history of Asteroid Day with the following guests:
- Rusty Schweickart, Apollo 9 Astronaut and Asteroid Day Co-Founder
- Dumitru-Dorin Prunariu, Romanian Cosmonaut and Founding Member of the ASE
- Mark Boslough, Physicist and Chair of the Asteroid Day Expert Panel
- Patrick Michel, Astrophysicist, Senior Researcher at the CNRS
- Danica Remy, Asteroid Day Co-Founder
Next, at 12.30 PM, Stuart Clark will host the second panel about research collaborations. Joining him in the studio to discuss are these people:
- Ed Lu, NASA Astronaut and B612 Co-Founder
- Patrick Michel, Astrophysicist, Senior Researcher at the CNRS
- Ian Carnelli, General Studies Programme Manager at ESA
- Naomi Murdoch, Research Scientist, ISAE-SUPAERO
- Mario Jurić, Professor Astronomy, UW/LSST
- Roger Förstner, Professor of Aerospace Engineering, Universität der Bundeswehr München
The programme continues at 1.00 PM with a roundtable titled “Why do Astronauts Love Asteroids? Astronauts in conversation”, hosted by Apollo 9 Astronaut Rusty Schweickart. This special panel will feature only astronauts who boldly ventured beyond the confines of our pale blue dot and came to Luxembourg to share their experiences in space with you:
- Rusty Schweickart, Apollo 9 Astronaut and Asteroid Day Co-Founder
- Ed Lu, NASA Astronaut and B612 Co-Founder
- Dumitru-Dorin Prunariu, Romanian Cosmonaut and Founding Member of the ASE
- Jean-François Clervoy, ESA Astronaut and Chairman of Novespace
- Nicole Stott, NASA Astronaut, NPS Discovery
Next, at 1.30 PM, renowned BBC science programmes host and professor of particle physics Brian Cox joins us in the studio to host the fourth panel on the history and origins of asteroid titled “Asteroids: An Ancient Beauty”. Joining him will be:
- Patrick Michel, Astrophysicist, Senior Researcher at the CNRS
- Alan Fitzsimmons, Professor of Astronomy at the Queen’s University Belfast
- Julia de León, Advanced Researcher, OSIRIS-REx sample-return mission
- Susan McKenna-Lawlor, Professor of Space Physics, Director Space Technology Ireland
- Naomi Murdoch, Research Scientist, ISAE-SUPAERO
Broadcast Segment 2 – 2.00 PM to 4.00 PM
The fifth panel starts at 2.00 PM. Brian Cox discusses what happens when asteroids hit together with the following guests in the studio:
- Rusty Schweickart, Apollo 9 Astronaut and Asteroid Day Co-Founder
- Mark Boslough, Physicist and Chair of the Asteroid Day Expert Panel
- Patrick Michel, Astrophysicist, Senior Researcher at the CNRS
- Alan Fitzsimmons, Professor of Astronomy at the Queen’s University Belfast
- Julia de León, Advanced Researcher, OSIRIS-REx sample-return mission
Then, tune it at 2.30 PM for “How Humanity Fell in Love with Space Rocks”, a roundtable with the following guests, hosted by Brian Cox, about the history of human asteroid discoveries:
- Rusty Schweickart, Apollo 9 Astronaut and Asteroid Day Co-Founder
- Mark Boslough, Physicist and Chair of the Asteroid Day Expert Panel
- Frans von der Dunk, Professor of Space Law, Director Black Holes BV
- Matt Dawson, Astronomer, NEA Programme France
- Susan McKenna-Lawlor, Professor of Space Physics, Director Space Technology Ireland
- Fritz Merkle, Member of the Executive Board, OHB SE
After cutting to the Luxembourg Science Center in Differdange where Deputy Prime Minister is going to officially launch Asteroid Day LIVE, we return to RTL City at 3.00 PM for another panel hosted by Brian Cox about Asteroid Discovery and Telescopes. You can expect these experts:
- Ed Lu, NASA Astronaut and B612 Co-Founder
- Mark Boslough, Physicist and Chair of the Asteroid Day Expert Panel
- Gianluca Masi, Astrophysicist and Founder of the Virtual Telescope Project
- Alan Fitzsimmons, Professor of Astronomy at the Queen’s University Belfast
- Mario Jurić, Professor Astronomy, UW/LSST
- Heiko Wiederer, Managing Director, astrofactum
At 3.30 PM we will address a central question of asteroid impact hazards: Asteroids don’t like borders – Discussing the importance of Governments, Space Agencies, the United Nations and Industry when an asteroid poses a threat to our planet. Stuart Clark welcomes the following studio guests:
- Rusty Schweickart, Apollo 9 Astronaut and Asteroid Day Co-Founder
- Mark Boslough, Physicist and Chair of the Asteroid Day Expert Panel
- Ian Carnelli, General Studies Programme Manager at ESA
- Frans von der Dunk, Professor of Space Law, Director Black Holes BV
- Julia de León, Advanced Researcher, OSIRIS-REx sample-return mission
Broadcast Segment 3 – 4.00 PM to 6.00 PM
Discussions continue at 4.00 PM when Brian Cox returns to the studio to talk with his guests about Asteroid Missions and Impact Mitigation Solutions. Expect these names:
- Ed Lu, NASA Astronaut and B612 Co-Founder
- Mark Boslough, Physicist and Chair of the Asteroid Day Expert Panel
- Patrick Michel, Astrophysicist, Senior Researcher at the CNRS
- Ian Carnelli, General Studies Programme Manager at ESA
- Naomi Murdoch, Research Scientist, ISAE-SUPAERO
- Marino Poppé, Deputy Managing Director, Luxspace
At 4.30 PM you can expect a hot topic issue, not just for Luxembourg whose government aims to become a pioneer in space mining initiatives: Brian Cox will introduce you to the Role of resources in human exploration of space, together with these folks:
- Pete Worden, Chairman of the Breakthrough Prize Foundation
- Ed Lu, NASA Astronaut and B612 Co-Founder
- Patrick Michel, Astrophysicist, Senior Researcher at the CNRS
- Marco Fuchs, Owner and CEO, OHB
- Klaus Slenzka, Chief Scientist at Blue Horizon
The discussion space resources continues at 5.00 PM in the presence of Étienne Schneider, Luxembourg’s Deputy Prime Minister, for the Resource utilisation and space law panel, hosted by Brian Cox:
- Étienne Schneider, Deputy Prime Minister of Luxembourg
- Frans von der Dunk, Professor of Space Law, Director Black Holes BV
- Jean-Louis Schiltz, Tech Law Advisor, Professor
- Kyle Acierno, Managing Director, ispace Europe
Finally, at 5.32 PM, we are closing our live broadcast off with a closing session and acknowledgments, hosted one last time by Brian Cox, featuring:
- Rusty Schweickart, Apollo 9 Astronaut and Asteroid Day Co-Founder
- Dumitru-Dorin Prunariu, Romanian Cosmonaut and Founding Member of the ASE
- Mark Boslough, Physicist and Chair of the Asteroid Day Expert Panel
- Patrick Michel, Astrophysicist, Senior Researcher at the CNRS
- Danica Remy, Asteroid Day Co-Founder
At the end of each roundtable, you, the audience, will have the chance to ask questions to our panels of expert. We will collect questions sent over various social media platforms marked with the #AsteroidDayLive hashtag and filter out those submitted in the Twitch chat.
Other Broadcast Segments
Additionally, at several points during Asteroid Day LIVE from Luxembourg, Gianluca Masi, Italian astrophysicist and founder of the Virtual Telescope Project, is going to connect with various telescopes and observatories around the world, tracking asteroids live.
Throughout the live broadcast we will also regularly cut to the Luxembourg Science Center’s own programming for short live scientific experiments, as well as to selected Asteroid Day Events around to world for regional coordinators to share their own, personal Asteroid Day story and highlight the true global scale of our quest to raise awareness of and educate people around the world about asteroids. For the complete schedule of Asteroid Day LIVE from Luxembourg, click here!
And we might have one or the other surprise in store for you – so make sure to tune it at www.asteroidday.org/live, take part in the discussion and don’t miss out on the first ever 24-hour curated broadcast about space and asteroids!
Our complete 24-hour programme schedule is available here!
Keep coming by the Asteroid Day Live page for all the information you need conveniently in one place.
For more information on how to watch our 24-hour broadcast, check out this previous blog post.
And finally, here is the complete list of speakers for Asteroid Day LIVE from RTL City in Luxembourg, presented by Brian Cox.