Support asteroid planetary defence and science researchers and organizations around the world. Learn more about each organization below and be part of their success. If you know of other organizations that focus on asteroids and accept donations online please email us so we add to this page.

Asteroid Foundation
Mission is to promote worldwide awareness, understanding, and education about asteroid opportunities and risks and the emerging space economy. Asteroid Foundation produces Asteroid Day TV, Asteroid Day LIVE and

B612 Foundation
Mission is to protect the planet from asteroid impacts through science, technology, education and advocacy through its primary program the Asteroid Institute.

The Planetary Society
Mission is empowering the world’s citizens to advance space science and exploration and supports astronomers from around the world through their Shoemaker Near-Earth Objects Grant Program.

Lunar Planetary Lab
Mission is to pursue scholarly research and education across the broad discipline of planetary and solar systems science and is home to asteroid mission OSIRIS-REx.
Select “I would like to support” and pick OSIRIS-REx Mission

National Space Society
Mission is to urge the United States Congress to address potential Earth crossing asteroid risks and the creation of a spacefaring civilization.

Pan-STARRS Telescope
Mission is to operate and maintain the Panoramic Survey Telescope And Rapid Response System (Pan-STARRS). It is a project at the University of Hawaii’s Institute for Astronomy.
“Select a Fund” and pick Pan-STARRS
ATLAS Telescope
Mission is to operate and maintain an asteroid impact early warning system (ATLAS) telescope. It is a project at the University of Hawaii’s Institute for Astronomy.
“Select a Fund” and pick ATLAS Project Fund
Minor Planet Center
Mission is to maintain the single worldwide location for receipt and distribution of positional measurements of minor planets, asteroids, comets, and outer irregular natural satellites of the major planets.