Brian May
Brian May https://asteroidday-uploads.s3.eu-central-1.amazonaws.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/04054626/Brian_May_thumb_img.jpg 480 270 Asteroid Day https://asteroidday-uploads.s3.eu-central-1.amazonaws.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/04054626/Brian_May_thumb_img.jpgAsteroid Day Affiliation:
Dr Brian May, CBE, PhD FRAS, is a founding member of Queen, a world-renowned guitarist, songwriter, producer and performer, also a Doctor of Astrophysics, 3D stereoscopic photographic authority and a passionate advocate and campaigner for animal rights.
As an accomplished Astronomy student working towards a PhD, Brian put his academic studies on hold when Queen’s popularity first exploded. Over the following four decades, the band enjoyed worldwide success with a musical catalogue that consistently tops popularity polls and sees Queen remain the most successful albums act in UK chart history.
Brian has penned 22 of Queen’s top 20 hit singles including “We Will Rock You”, namesake to the worldwide hit ‘Rock Theatrical’ written with Ben Elton which has now been seen by over 15 million people in 17 countries.
In 2006, after a 30-year break, Brian returned to astrophysics and his doctoral thesis. Already the recipient of honorary degrees from the Universities of Hertfordshire, Exeter and Liverpool John Moores, upon submission of his updated thesis on the Motions of Interplanetary Dust, Brian achieved his full PhD degree from Imperial College, London, in 2007. He subsequently accepted a post of visiting researcher to continue his work in astronomy and following a 5 year post as Chancellor of Liverpool John Moores, Brian now holds the honorary position of Chancellor Emeritus. In 2006 Brian co-author his first book, Bang! The Complete History of the Universe, with Sir Patrick Moore and Dr Chris Lintott. This illustrated astrophysics book, now published in 20 languages, was followed in 2012 with the release of a greatly anticipated sequel, The Cosmic Tourist.
Another long-term interest in 3D Photography led to the publication of Brian’s second book. Co-authored with Elena Vidal, A Village Lost and Found is an authoritative study of the work of master 1850s stereo photographer, T R Williams, complete with an OWL stereoscopic viewer designed by Brian himself. In 2018 Brain and colleague Claudia Manzoni created stereoscopic images of asteroid Ryugu that can be viewed in 3D. Since then he has created new images showing the whole of Ryugu that allow a clear view of the large Otohime Saxum rock formation. More information on this and all matters stereoscopic are available at Brian’s dedicated website, www.londonstereo.com
Watch Brain’s videos:
2021 Stereoscopic imagery of asteroids with Brian May
QUEEN Guitarist Dr. Brian May and Asteroid Day’s programs
Brian May on launching Asteroid Day
Brian May explains the importance of the Asteroid Day 100x declaration
Dr Brian May talks about Asteroid Day
Brian May talks about Asteroid Day
Asteroid Day panel discussion at the Science Museum in London
Scientists Rock – an Asteroid Day series
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Buy Brian’s books:
Bang!: The Complete History of the Universe
A Village Lost and Found