
Asteroid Day Space Lecture

Asteroid Day Space Lecture

Asteroid Day Space Lecture https://asteroidday-uploads.s3.eu-central-1.amazonaws.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/06/27193750/Capture-decran-2024-06-27-a-19.37.34.png 942 528 Asteroid Day Asteroid Day https://asteroidday-uploads.s3.eu-central-1.amazonaws.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/06/27193750/Capture-decran-2024-06-27-a-19.37.34.png

Join the Asteroid Day Space Lecture hosted by the Asteroid Foundation, headquarters for Asteroid Day, in Luxembourg. This event offers a unique opportunity for students, academia, the space community, and the general public to learn about the latest updates in asteroid and space research.

Join us for an informative and engaging lecture presented by experts in the field.



18:00 – Welcome Word

18:05 – Mirel Birlan, CNRS Paris – Colors, Shapes, and Composition of Asteroid

18:20 – Simon Grimm, ETH Zurïch – Fast Solar System Orbital Calculations, from Asteroid Dynamics to Terrestrial Planet Formation

18:35 – Hoor Abdelrahman Al Mazmi, UAE Space Agency – The Emirates Mission to the Asteroid Belt

18:50 – Alex Karl, Planetary Defense Conférence – 9th IAA International Planetary Defense Conference (PDC) 

19:05 – BREAK

19:15 – Keynote by Edgar Millic – GomSpace 

19:45 – Panel: The Latest News and Outlook – HERA Mission with Patrick Michel, Alan Fitzsimmons, Margherita Cardi, Franco Perez Lissi

The Space Lecture will conclude with an evening at the Musée National d’Histoire Naturelle 

Registration is required on Eventbrite: HERE  / Asteroid Day Speakers and the Asteroid Foundation Team – don’t have to register.


20:00 – 22:00

  • Visit the exhibition “Asteroid Mission” of the MNHN
  • Space Café, a cocktail event with space scientists, Asteroid Day experts, and the local space community

22:00 – 23:00

  • “Astronomer of a Night” with Gianluca Masi. We will enable attendees to virtually control telescopes in Manciano (Tuscany). This unique experience will allow participants to explore the night sky in real time under the guidance of a renowned astronomer.