2019 Asteroid Day Event Organizer Poster
2019 Asteroid Day Event Organizer Poster https://asteroidday-uploads.s3.eu-central-1.amazonaws.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/06/23115301/AD_POSTER_EXAMPLE_LRG.png 595 842 Asteroid Day https://asteroidday-uploads.s3.eu-central-1.amazonaws.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/06/23115301/AD_POSTER_EXAMPLE_LRG.png
After running a national competition throughout Luxembourg the 2019 Asteroid Day poster was selected. The winner is a Luxembourg based designer Zoe Baxter who has created the official 2019 Asteroid Day Event Organizer Poster, which you can download here to promote your local event!
Please follow the following guidelines when designing your poster:
- White lettering only- it will show up well on the poster sections and will make your information easy to read and understand.
- If you do not have Lato font, use either Arial or Helvetica or another sans serif font
We have provided a number of different options below for you to download and complete your own poster. We have editable PDFs, illustrator files, and a blank editable JPG.
If you know how to work with an Ai file, this would be a great option to download. If you do not, the editable PDF will work great as well, and has a lot of flexibility to work with. If you are unfamiliar with using these formats, we recommend you use the blank JPEG option and type over it with your own information for best results.
Zoë Baxter is 18 years old and lives in Luxembourg. She has dual nationality, British and Luxembourgish and speaks 4 languages fluently: English, Luxembourgish, French and German. She is currently in her penultimate year at secondary school. The Arts are her main focus. Outside of school, Zoë participates in ballet which she has studied to an advanced level. This year, she participated in the scuba diving option at school and a newly introduced flight theory course, ‘DIMAS’. Zoë has been an active member of one of our local scout troops and completed the 3 levels of the Duke of Edinburgh award with their support. She is active and enjoys spending her time surrounded by nature which influences her ecologically friendly lifestyle.