
Event Organizer Information

Plan your Asteroid Day event

Event date and time

Your event date should be on/around June 30th. However, we encourage event organisers to host activities all year long.

Event location

Location suggestions: Observatory, planetarium, museum, university center, city park, restaurant, local school auditorium, convention center, bar, etc.

Event Audience

Who is your targeted audience? Is this an event for the general public? Adults only? School children? What tools are appropriate for this audience?

Event Assistance

The sponsoring organisation is the group that makes the event happen. (e.g.an astronomy club, a 4th grade class or museum)

Program Curriculum

The mission behind these activities are to create interactive and engaging way to spread knowledge and awareness about asteroid impacts across the globe.

Suggested Activities

Film screening, guest speakers’ talks, star gazing at Observatories, lectures by asteroid experts, costume contest (e.g. space costume), making your own asteroid crafts etc.

Register your event

Once you have an idea of what kind of event you want to put on, fill in the form to register it with us. This is the most important step of the entire process.

Register your event

Report after an Asteroid Day event

We’d love to read about how your event turned out. Please provide a brief statement giving an overview of the hard work and success of your event.

Send Event Report