Please note, this contest is open to permanent Luxembourg residents only. Asteroid Day is a dynamic awareness and educational program to inspire the world about asteroids – their role in…
We enjoy this very informative newsletter that ESA puts out. To find all the ESA Newsletter’s, click here. To download the ESA SSA-NEO Coordination Centre February newsletter, click here.
The Natural History Museum of Vienna (NHM Vienna) presented a special Asteroid Day afternoon program with the highlight being the opening of a Meteor-Radar station in the museum’s famous meteorite… Asteroid Day co-founder Grig Richters interviews Professor David Jewitt who led the observation team of the interstellar interloper 1I/2017 U1 (’Oumuamua) taken during its 2017 October flyby of Earth.… The Large Synoptic Survey Telescope will create the largest ever census of asteroids in the Solar System while at the same time studying topics as diverse as Dark Energy…