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NASA’s Plan to Save Earth from a Giant Asteroid

NASA’s Plan to Save Earth from a Giant Asteroid https://asteroidday.org/wp-content/themes/fildisi/images/empty/thumbnail.jpg 150 150 Asteroid Day Asteroid Day https://asteroidday.org/wp-content/themes/fildisi/images/empty/thumbnail.jpg

https://youtu.be/EZSCtgfmEO0 65 million years ago, a large asteroid collided with Earth near present-day Chicxulub, Mexico. The impact was a climactic event that likely contributed to dinosaur extinction. Today, Earth remains…

David Jewitt Talks About Asteroids with Activity

David Jewitt Talks About Asteroids with Activity https://asteroidday.org/wp-content/themes/fildisi/images/empty/thumbnail.jpg 150 150 Asteroid Day Asteroid Day https://asteroidday.org/wp-content/themes/fildisi/images/empty/thumbnail.jpg

https://youtu.be/kyii9S0Vt8E Classically asteroids are considered to be just rocks, and comets to display evaporation of gases and dust release, making impressive comas and tails. However, this picture has changed in…

First Interstellar Asteroid Wows Scientists

First Interstellar Asteroid Wows Scientists https://asteroidday.org/wp-content/themes/fildisi/images/empty/thumbnail.jpg 150 150 Asteroid Day Asteroid Day https://asteroidday.org/wp-content/themes/fildisi/images/empty/thumbnail.jpg

https://youtu.be/fbL1ZoAQgUU Scientists were surprised and delighted to detect –for the first time– an interstellar asteroid passing through our solar system. Additional observations brought more surprises: the object is cigar-shaped with…

Changing the Course of the Solar System – Dr. Ed Lu At TEDxMarin

Changing the Course of the Solar System – Dr. Ed Lu At TEDxMarin https://asteroidday.org/wp-content/themes/fildisi/images/empty/thumbnail.jpg 150 150 Asteroid Day Asteroid Day https://asteroidday.org/wp-content/themes/fildisi/images/empty/thumbnail.jpg

https://youtu.be/KAlF4xxRTwI A NASA Astronaut — with a compelling new mission to change the course of the solar system. Dr. Lu served as a NASA Astronaut for 12 years. He flew…

Defending Earth from Asteroids with Neil DeGrasse Tyson

Defending Earth from Asteroids with Neil DeGrasse Tyson https://asteroidday.org/wp-content/themes/fildisi/images/empty/thumbnail.jpg 150 150 Asteroid Day Asteroid Day https://asteroidday.org/wp-content/themes/fildisi/images/empty/thumbnail.jpg

There are about a million near-Earth asteroids that are large enough to substantially damage or destroy a major city, as evidenced by the explosion over Chelyabinsk, Russia, in February 2013…